Nik's Aquatic Store

ADA Soft Water 200ml


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In alkaline water with high level pH or KH, the growth of aquatic plants get inhibited, Soft Water adjusts the water quality to mild acidity.

Suitable for tropical fish and aquatic plants which prefer mildliy acidic water.

Use 1 pump (1ml) for every 10 liter. The new Aqua Conditioner have an easy-to-use push-type nozzle

Availability: 1 in stock

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ADA Soft Water makes the water slightly acid. Most aquarium plants and tropical fish prefer slightly acid water (pH<7.0). Ordinary tap water is often, however, mild-alkaline (pH>7.0) and is therefore less suitable for fish and plants. Soft Water reduces the pH and carbonate hardness (KH) and transforms the water to slightly acid.

  • Lowers carbonate hardness
  • Lowers the pH

In alkaline water with high level of pH or Carbonate Hardness (KH), the growth of aquatic plants gets inhibited. Soft Water adjusts the water quality to mild acidity.

Usage : Dose 1 ml per 10 litres aquarium water a week after the water change.




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